Mbot Silkroad 4 Arab

Mbot Silkroad 4 Arab

Mbot Silkroad 4 Arab
A lot of poeple are saying that we don't get ban if we're using a paid bot for example Mbot. So my question is, what makes paid bot or Mbot safe from being ban?
Another question. Some of my friends recommended Mbot. They all have Prem and they keep saying that having Prem will prevent you in getting ban. I know this is not true, I'm pretty sure we can get ban from using 3rd party software. Now, I buy silk for devil, pet & others but since it's easier to log in now a days I don't feel the need of getting Prem. So my question is, how many people here or people you know that uses Mbot, buys silk but not Prem and not getting ban?
Mbot Silkroad 4 Arab
04-16-2011, 00:37
Welcome All members
new version from media.pk2 only from egyptian hands and have alot of advantages.. i will discuss all about it...
****Team Work****
The Uploader™
Sweet Love
****1**** Advantages:::
1-Alexandria Intro ( new intro will show u all Alexandria to not feel boring while u waiting to login )
2-ADV. Elixirs Filter ( to let u feel easily while u searching about it in stall network)
3-Auto Select Icon
4-New 3D Egyptian Uniques Map ( will let u to know where the uniques will spawn )( very amazing preview)
5-Fixed The Exp. Proplem To Appeare ( u will see ur EXP. like this EXP.99.63% )
6-Anti Invisible ( let u see all invisible players till lvl 110) ( i know this options working perfect on mbot )
7-Anti Crystal Invisible ( let u see wizzard skill to hide all party member)
8-New Mp & Hp Potions
9-New Mp & Hp Bar
10-New Under bar ( very very interesting)
11-Uniques Bigger ( let u see uniques x10 times to feel exciting while killing it )
***** Best Advantages*****
1-Replacing Korean Flag With The Egyptian Flag ( i am sry if any member don't like it) but i don't mean anything wrong with it.. be friendly guys ^^
2-Anti Stealth ( to see xbow chars )
3-New Select Shape
4-Changing The Wolf into Gorilla
5-Changing Horse Level 60 Into lizzard
6-Changing Horse level 45 into Unicorn
7-Changing horse lvl 30 into Tiger
8-Changing Horse level 10 into Pegasus
9-New Outer Loading Pictures
10-Replacing Silkroad Logo With The Hunter Vs Thief Logo ( to feel new Legend ^^ )
and finally New Percentage Uniques and Monsters Hp Bar( to show how much u decrease from it's HP)
and the surprise (((( Golden Berserk ))) very very fantastic
changing music of into to Clash Of The Titans .. u will like it
********** Common questions and Answers*********
1-Media.pk2 may result block for my char???
No. 100% cuz it not include GM console
2-how i open with this media???
u have to download all ( media.pk2 + particles + music.pk2 ) and replace it then open Silkroad launcher and let hackshield do update then open from bot as u like ^^
FINALLY i explained everything and i translated it to english and all rights reserved to WWW.xxx.Com (http://WWW.Silkroad4arab.Com)
now with ********* DOWNLOAD********((( PW to extract is ( www.xxx.com (http://www.silkroad4arab.com))
1 --- media.pk2
Click Here For RapidShare :
Click Here For MediaFire::
Click Here For MegaUpload::
Click Here For HotFile::
Click Here For DuckLoad::
Click Here For EnterUpload::
Click Here For IFile.it::
********Particles.pk2 and Music.pk2*********
Click Here For RapidShare::
Click Here For MediaFire::
Click Here For MegaUpload::
Click Here For IFile.it::
now all is DONE!!!
i hope it be great work.. and please tell me ur opinions and about ur problems with it..
GOOD LUCK .....http://botters-heaven.net/images/icons/icon14.png

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Mbot Silkroad 4 Arab
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